
| Job instruction

Using Technology to Capture Standardized Work via the TWI-JI Format

Posted by Ken Wunderlich on Jan 7, 2022 12:10:21 PM

This article will focus on technology as well as Training Within Industry - Job Instruction (TWI-JI) module to capture standardized work.

The challenge: The onboarding process is challenging. The primary reason is two-fold.

First, if tasks are documented, they are usually written and describe the steps in the process. However, the onboarding process is much more than tasks. It involves a logical format that often uses more sensory input to be successful (e.g. vision or audio). Only, providing a written document for training has limited effectiveness as it does not consider all sensory input. Different individuals capture knowledge differently. Providing multiple methods or considering different sensory inputs will provide a more effective educational session.


Training within Industry - Job Instruction (TWI-JI) During a Pandemic

Posted by Ed Huey on Sep 11, 2020 2:50:23 PM

During step 1 (Preparing the Worker), you are responsible for putting the person at ease to start the training. This may be a good time to discuss any concerns the learner my have about the current situation with Covid 19. Perhaps introduce all the safety measures your company has taken to keep the participant safe during this pandemic. 


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