
Videos tagged AI –

‘AI’ Videos

  • Prepararsi all’AI-pocalisse: SEO per un mondo (non così) nuovo

    WordCamp Verona 2023Speaker: Enrico Battocchi

    December 18, 2023 — Mentre aspettiamo che Skynet si impadronisca del mondo, non facciamoci cogliere alla sprovvista! Ci sono un sacco di cose che possiamo fare sul nostro sito in ottica SEO per prepararlo ai nuovi scenari delle intelligenze artificiali: e vi sorprenderà scoprire che sono le stesse buone pratiche richieste dai motori di ricerca tradizionali.

  • Harnessing the power of ChatGPT-4 for WordPress publishing

    WordCamp Vancouver 2023Speaker: Aaron Day

    December 10, 2023 — This talk provides a deep dive into the union of ChatGPT-4 and WordPress publishing. For content creators, developers, and WordPress enthusiasts alike, this presentation offers a holistic view of the latest advancements in AI technology and how it’s shaping the future of digital publishing.

  • AI in WordPress

    WordCamp Europe 2023Speakers: Sujay Pawar, Gabriella Laster, Daniel Kanchev, Shane Pearlman, Constanze Kratel

    November 30, 2023 — This panel discussion examines real and tangible examples of how AI is being used in WordPress today.

    Learn more about active use cases of AI in the WordPress and how you can leverage it to make a difference in your life, your daily work and for the community at large.

  • Taking WordPress to Infinity and Beyond with ChatGPT API

    WordCamp Malaysia 2023Speaker: Nathan Onn

    October 15, 2023 — This talk offers a comprehensive understanding of how AI can enhance your website management and free you from routine tasks like a genie granting a wish. You are invited to re-imagine your approach to website management, using new tools and knowledge to adapt and thrive in an AI-empowered landscape.

    Whether you are a WordPress pro or beginner, this session will open your eyes to the power of AI automation with ChatGPT.

    Presentation Slides »

  • Take your WordPress website to another level using AI translation

    WordCamp Europe 2023Speaker: Dario Jazbec Hrvatin

    October 13, 2023 — This Lightning Talk shares how to easily translate your WordPress site using AI translation.

    People prefer reading, engaging, and buying in their own language. And you can easily reach them by translating your website.

    Doing this used to be expensive and time-consuming but no more! Thanks to automatic translation using AI, it is now fast, affordable, and available to anyone. All you need are the right tools.

  • Using AI to speed up your WordPress builds

    WordCamp Rochester 2023Speaker: Robbie Adair

    October 13, 2023 — Learn multiple ways speed up your WordPress builds with AI tools ChatGPT and BARD, from generating content that looks better than “Lorem Ipsum” to helping you with your CSS and coding.

    Find out more about AI generated images, and how to structure prompts to get both images and background images. Discover other AI tools that might help you speed up your website workflow.

  • Making Large Language Models work for you

    WordCamp US 2023Speaker: Simon Willison

    October 13, 2023 — Large Language Models are the technology behind ChatGPT, Google’s Bard and more. They are weird and somewhat intimidating pieces of technology: we’re still trying to figure out how they work and what they can do, in a field that changes radically on an almost weekly basis.

    In this talk I’ll break down how they work, what they’re useful for, what you can build with them and how to dodge their many pitfalls.

    I’ll show you how to run surprisingly capable models on your laptop, and demonstrate techniques like semantic search and retrieval augmented generation which harness LLMs to help unlock the value in your own data.
    I’ll also talk about their many limitations, including new classes of security vulnerabilities that threaten applications built on top of them.

    Exploring LLMs has made me more ambitious with the projects I take on. Used thoughtfully, LLMs can unlock new capabilities, both for us and for the communities that we build software to serve.

  • AI-generated content in SEO: balancing automation with authenticity

    WordCamp Germany 2023Speaker: Earl Cruz

    October 13, 2023 — This talk explores AI’s impact on SEO with a focus on integrating automated content into your sites. Striking a balance is key as AI tools boost content output but risk losing authenticity.

    Learn how successful strategy involves infusing AI-generated content with a brand’s unique voice and values. Align with search engine algorithms while prioritizing user experience. In this synergy, businesses can elevate SEO, connecting meaningfully with audiences.

  • Content creation with the help of AI

    WordCamp Europe 2023Speaker: Silvio Endruhn

    October 13, 2023 — Discover how you can take your content creation to the next level with ChatGPT and Bard (Google). Learn more about the benefits and find out how to streamline your workflow.

  • Machine Learning and WordPress

    WordCamp Nepal 2022Speaker: Zena Poudel

    August 10, 2023 — – General overview of different terms like Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and Deep learning.
    – Few WordPress plugins that have implemented Machine learning to perform different tasks.
    – Demonstration of Training the algorithm and implementing it into a custom plugin.