
Videos in Hindi –

Language: Hindi

  • Automating Content Creation: How AI is Transforming the Whole Process

    WordCamp Bhopal 2023Speaker: Yash Verma

    November 22, 2023 — In the fast-paced world of content marketing, the demand for high-quality content is ever-growing. Enter artificial intelligence (AI), a game-changer that’s revolutionizing how content is created. This session dives into the fascinating realm of AI-driven content creation, shedding light on how it’s reshaping the entire content production process.
    Where we would be discussing about:
    – Research & Analysis
    – Content Ideation
    – Content Creation
    – Personalization
    – Optimization
    – Feedback Loop
    – Human Touch

  • How WordPress TV team works

    WordCamp India 2021Speaker: Nisha Singh

    March 18, 2021 — In her talk, she will explain how the WordPress TV team works, from collecting the videos from organisers to final publishing on the and explain the criteria the TV team uses to approve and rejects the videos.

  • Ravi Chandra: Manage your Block Editor State and Data

    WordCamp Udaipur 2019Speaker: Ravi Chandra

    December 25, 2019 — Gutenberg’s data module looks intimidating at first, but under the hood, it’s simple and easy to work with. The data module is built upon the same core principles of Redux but has some of its own characteristics. It lets us manage and share data in a modular way. In this talk we’ll discuss it’s similarities to Redux, subscribing and dispatching events, creating custom stores and using custom reducers. We will also be looking at a few real-world problems and how we could solve those using the data API.

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  • Ajit Bohra: StoryBook – Building, Testing & Documenting Components

    WordCamp Udaipur 2019Speaker: Ajit Bohra

    December 25, 2019 — With Gutenberg, we are talking more about React and it’s component-based development. Breaking down the app into component helps in better organization and reuse. But growing components can quickly become overwhelming and error-prone. Storybook comes to the rescue to help you build components in isolation and test for various use cases. Also, it serves as centralized documentation for the team. The talk will help you understand what is a Storybook and how it can help you and what are its various features. A quick dive into setting up and writing stories.

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  • Yashwardhan Rana: How to Market WordPress Products Effectively?

    WordCamp Udaipur 2019Speaker: Yashwardhan Rana

    December 25, 2019 — No matter how good the plugin or a theme is, devs have a hard time selling it because there is no proper marketing done for the same.

    He is sure with this session they can understand where they are lacking in terms of marketing and where they can improve their sales records with simple marketing methods. 🙂

    With the session, he will be covering these areas:
    1. Why marketing is required.
    2. Basics requirements for marketing any WP Product (website, product pages, demos, etc.)
    3. Importance of Content Marketing
    4. Taking it to the next level with Marketing WP Products
    5. Closing and Q&A

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  • Ankit Dangi: Progressive Web App Advantages and How to use it with WordPress

    WordCamp Udaipur 2019Speaker: Ankit Dangi

    December 25, 2019 — Nowadays everyone uses a smartphone and those smartphones contain applications from different providers.

    Now those applications have some problems like cross-platform incompatibility, higher cost, etc.

    The solution to this problem is the Progressive web app. It is fast, reliable, engaging. It is basically a type of application which is delivered through the web built with HTML, CSS, JS.

    It can work on any platform which uses a standard-complaint browser. In the presentation, I will talk about the history of PWA, the technology used, examples, features, requirement and most importantly how to create PWA on WordPress based Websites.

  • Devika Sisodia: Social Anxiety: Blogging the Mind Online

    WordCamp UdaipurSpeaker: Devika Sisodia

    December 25, 2019 — The talk will cover the various factors which encapsulate anxiety induced by social media and society, and how writing about it can prove to be a getaway and a companion at the same time.

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  • Vishal Sharma: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines – WCAG 2.0 AA Compliance

    WordCamp Udaipur 2019Speaker: Vishal Sharma

    December 25, 2019 — All about WCAG 2.0 AA compliance
    1. How to know what level of WCAG 2.0 AA can be implemented on the website?
    2. How to identify right parts of your site for WCAG 2.0 AA?
    3. What are the methods or tools to achieve WCAG 2.0 AA?

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  • Chandra Patel: WP CLI: Developer’s Good Friend

    WordCamp Udaipur 2019Speaker: Chandra Patel

    December 25, 2019 — WP-CLI is a great companion for developers who can leverage many of its features/functionality in their day-to-day development. In this session, I’ll give an introduction to WP-CLI, the basics command it provides and how we can use it. I will also discuss the other benefits, common useful commands in WP-CLI, installing external commands and a quick introduction to creating a custom command.

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  • Bhagyashree Pancholy: How to Successfully Manage Your Remote Team

    WordCamp Udaipur 2019Speaker: Bhagyashree Pancholy

    December 25, 2019 — Managing a remote international development team is hard. Her session includes the unique challenges the remote team faces – be it the tech team, the dev team or the operations/HR team.

    It will also include what do they need to do to keep everyone on the same page, tools that they can use, solutions to some universal problems that remote team faces, if company retreats are the solution, how can startups cope with these challenges with a limited budget and why remote working may not be all that glamorous as it is often projected.

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