• Resolved Miikka



    Both Yoast and this plugin can add:
     “@context”: [ “http://schema.org/” ]”

    This causes conflicts with Google in some cases and the star rating doesn’t show in the Google search results.

    Can you create some checks to determine if another plugin is already adding  “@context”: [ “http://schema.org/” ]” .

    stars-rating-public.php line 121 is the place. 😺

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  • Thread Starter Miikka



    Are you on vacation perhaps?

    Plugin Author Fahid Javid



    I apologize for the inconvenience and late reply as I missed your first email somehow.

    I will look into it within this week and release a plugin update.

    Thanks & Regards,


    Thread Starter Miikka


    Awesome! 🤗

    Plugin Author Fahid Javid



    I was looking into the concern and I found that you can easily disable the rating display Schema for Google with an option of plugin settings that is displayed in this screenshot: https://tppr.me/hTHvC

    Does that not help, if you don’t want to use the Stars Rating plugin Schema but other plugins?

    Looking forward to your response.



    Thread Starter Miikka


    We need the rating.

    Here is the page that is giving error:


    If this helps you understand it would be nice. 🌞

    Thread Starter Miikka


    The property aggregateRating is not recognized by the schema (e.g. schema.org) for an object of type AggregateRating.

    Plugin Author Fahid Javid


    Hi @miikkamakela,

    I have found the problem. It’s the empty/incorrect field data of the Scheme type in the plugin settings under Dashboard > Discussion page at the very bottom.

    You must have to enter the correct type for which you are collecting the reviews, so Google can understand it and display the rating on the search results page accordingly.

    I have checked your website and it’s about recipes so the right schema type would be recipe as you can see in this screenshot: https://tppr.me/dbjKl

    For more details on available Schema types please consult this article: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/structured-data/review-snippet

    Feel free to let me know if you still would need any help from my side.

    Kind Regards,


    Thread Starter Miikka


    That does not fix the issue as there is also products on the site:


    So it would be needed to have multiple different Rating-schemas.

    Plugin Author Fahid Javid


    Hi @miikkamakela,

    Then I can build a custom solution for you. If you are interested then get in touch with me directly via my email fahidjavid[at]gmail[dot]com and let’s discuss it.



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