• Resolved cybeardjm



    Although I disabled the “Readability analysis” feature in the settings a looooooooong time ago, when editing a post, a “Yoast SEO” panel, with a red icon 😡 for Readability analysis still appears on the right column (the post settings), always open (reappears next time, even when I close it), cannot be moved elsewhere, etc.

    This is extremely annoying, and a bad UX/UI IMHO.

    Please allow us who don’t want to use tis feature, to effectively get rid of it “visually”…



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  • Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Hello @didierjm

    Thanks for reaching out about the readability analysis.

    I disabled the “Readability analysis” feature in the settings a looooooooong time ago

    Can you let me know how you disabled the feature?

    Thread Starter cybeardjm


    Yoast SEO – Settings – Readability Analysis (feature not enabled)

    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Thanks. Also edit your user profile and ensure that Disable readability analysis is checked.

    Thread Starter cybeardjm



    The Yoast section on my user profiles doesn’t have an option to disable this.
    Only options I have are:

    • Do not allow search engines to show this author’s archives in search results.
    • Disable SEO analysis
    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    I have checked with admin, author, editor, contributor, SEO manager and subscriber user roles, and they all have the extra option to turn OFF readability analysis for the specific user. See screenshot.

    What’s the user role you are checking with?

    Thread Starter cybeardjm


    Oh interesting… I don’t have it for both admin and editor roles…

    As stated earlier, on have 2 options:

    • Do not allow search engines to show this author’s archives in search results.
    • Disable SEO analysis

    OK – found why…

    => in Yoast SEO settings, I have to ENABLE readability analysis to be able to DISABLE it at the user level. (?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    BUT, the problem’s the same: the YOAST SEO panel when editing posts is still there, with a red icon 😡 for Readability analysis in the left column.

    Tried to close it multiple times, but it reopens automatically when opening a post…

    As I said bad UI/UX design…

    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    • Are you using Yoast SEO 21.4 and WordPress 6.3.2?
    • Can you share a screenshot of what you are referring to?
    Thread Starter cybeardjm


    Yes, latest versions for everything…

    See image here: PB Yoast SEO

    As said earlier, this appears in the Settings column, on the right when editing a post (for those who know WordPress…)

    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    The image you shared throws an error 403, so I can’t access it. You can use any image-sharing service like https://pasteboard.co/, https://snag.gy/, https://imgur.com/, https://snipboard.io/, or even upload the screenshot to your own website. Once you upload it to an image-sharing service, please share the link to the image here.

    Thread Starter cybeardjm


    Oh, you’re right, restrictive options from my FireWall…
    Sorry about that. Here it is: https://pasteboard.co/OEPfyyXmGsj4.png

    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    When you toggle the button to turn OFF the readability analysis feature in WordPress > Yoast SEO > Settings > General > Site Features, you don’t get the checkbox in the user profile to Disable readability analysis. By so doing, the readability analysis tab is removed from the Yoast SEO meta box.

    If this is not your experience, you may create a bug report at https://github.com/Yoast/wordpress-seo/issues with more information on the issue for our development team, as I can’t reproduce the behaviour you described with Yoast SEO 21.4 & WordPress 6.3.2.

    Thread Starter cybeardjm


    Oh, thx, that’s what I’ve been telling you from the start: no, it’s not!

    Although I disabled Readability Analysis, the tab or panel is still there on the right column as shown in the image I sent…

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