• rushedlogic


    We need to do the following:

    • We need to create a place where suppliers will display & sell products that stores can buy from. Stores will then sell it on to the public. So this is when the products they buy from suppliers will end up in their Woocommerce inventory list rather than disapear like a normal order.
    • The suppliers will ‘maintain’ a list of pricing groups that stores fall into. Some stores will get different pricing to others.
    • This is where stores will almost import the products from the supplier without having to create them. Once the store has the products from the supplier in their Woocommerce inventory they can easily order more of the same them as they require.
    • A management interface will be required here.

    For this we imagine using WordPress, Woocommerce, Multisite and other plugins as required. We need assistance as to the design of the system and best approaches & plugins. We’ve done tons of research but will need further help. We need to answer questions like:

    • Should we use the Multisite?
    • Can we create all the stores and their staff programmatically?
    • Are there existing plugins that do what we need?

    I believe this community is the best place to ask these questions. Would any of you folks be able to help us answer these questions?

    Thank you

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    You’ve not directly indicated why you think you need multisite. It does have some quirks you might want to avoid. If you want vendors to each have their own independent sites that are only partly under your control, then multisite probably makes sense. You can manage which plugins and themes they can use, but the rest is pretty much theirs to do as they wish. If that is not you intention, maybe a single installation will suit your needs.

    It’s unlikely you’ll find a single plugin to do everything you want. You will probably need to piece together functionality from multiple plugins. Custom code may be required to properly integrate everything and fill in any gaps.

    Custom code can pretty much do whatever ever you need, including creating all the stores and their staff programmatically. You would need to somehow provide the underlying data in some structured manner such as CSV or XML format.

    Thread Starter rushedlogic


    We’ve been looking at Dokan and WCFM to tackle the product management but I’m not sure they tackle what i’ve described. You are right that more code would make more functionality but I wouldn’t want to create something that works elsewhere.

    Do you have any experience of using these?

    Moderator bcworkz


    Sorry, I’ve no experience with either one. Perhaps someone who does will chime in here.

    If each supplier need their own (customised as to company brand) site then I think using a multisite makes sense – it means you can set up one site with a set of plugins, theme etc. and just clone it for new suppliers (use NS Cloner or similar). Makes it easy to manage updates as everything is in one place rather than multiple WordPress instances

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 3 days ago by thewoosh.
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