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  • Plugin Author David Anderson



    Today’s release (3.1.0) has a fix for this issue, which causes the wrong thing to be displayed instead of the error. Please update and try again!


    Thread Starter Marcoevich


    Hi David,

    Thanks for the quick fix! I also saw that the preloader hadn’t preloaded the cache while it was expired for 2 days past the cache life span. Maybe it wouldn’t preload because of this issue?

    I will update one of our sites to this version and check if it works now.


    Thread Starter Marcoevich


    Hi David,

    I’ve just tested this new version. The error message is now clear. It is now “An unexpected response was received”. It didn’t tell what response it received or what kind of response it expected.

    This means the error message has improved a bit but the issue with the preloader is still there. The preloader doesn’t start on the first try. I wonder if that also happens when the preloader is started by the cron job. It would explain why the preloader hadn’t run even when the cache was expired.

    Please let us know what you need to investigate this further.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by Marcoevich.
    Plugin Author David Anderson


    What is logged in the JavaScript browser console? (

    Thread Starter Marcoevich


    Hi David,

    When the error happens, there’s nothing related to WP Optimize in the console. No error message at all.

    When I start the preloader a second time (then it runs properly) this is printed to the console:

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