• Resolved steadylads


    I really like using TSF, unlike the previous SEO plugin I was using. Thanks for your work on it.

    I have a custom term(category). Please let me know if there is a way to automatically create the meta title in bulk as I define, such as:

    {sitename} {term} “article”

    I don’t see anything like this in the TSF help pages or the TSF plugin settings. The number of terms prevents me from being able to do this manually.

    What is your suggestion on the best approach to do this programmatically? Thank you.

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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Hello! I’m glad you like TSF 🙂

    You can achieve custom title generation using filters. I can help you create one.

    Do you want to create titles for posts only assigned to a specific category?

    If so, what are this category’s taxonomy and ID? If you edit the category, look at the browser URL; the ID is after “tag_ID=”, and the taxonomy is after “taxonomy=.”

    Thread Starter steadylads


    Hello Sybre! Nice, thanks for your kind help.

    I realized that I should have said terms in a custom taxonomy, not custom category.


    The taxonomy=module covers all the terms for which to create custom meta titles. Thank you.

    Thread Starter steadylads


    Hello Sybre! Hope that you are doing well. Do you need any other information?

    Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Hi again!

    Sorry for my absence. Your information was enough to get started, but I still had to make some assumptions.

    I highly recommend putting a separator between the site name and the term title — this helps search engines easily find the intended page and site names.

    Assuming this is also your intention, you can use this filter I made for you: https://gist.github.com/sybrew/971e49138e0841fa18a413a6bd24e561.

    The filter changes the module titles from {term name} to {term name} article — all other generation settings are unaffected (title location, prefixes, pagination, etc.). The filter won’t affect custom meta titles, so the interface is as responsive as before.

    Please note that if you update the term name, the SEO title may have the ” article” part removed; this is only a visual bug, which we may be able to work around when we implement title/description generation syntax.

    Still, if this filter wasn’t what you were looking for, please share with me the following:

    1. What you have now.
    2. What do you want instead?

    I hope this helps. Cheers!

    Thread Starter steadylads


    Hello again! Your assumptions were correct;). The filter works great, thank you for your help! Here are some relevant links to your docs for future viewers:



    Wishing you fair winds and following seas until we meet again.

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