• Resolved Martin Taylor


    I have two navigation blocks, which I can manage via Appearance > Editor > Navigation. In that area of the site editor, I want to apply Visibility settings to one of the navigation blocks so that it is visible only to Administrators. Then, wherever that block is used, the Visibility settings will be applied.

    OK, so I edit the navigation block, and I can set it to be visible to Admins only. The blue/white people icon appears, indicating that Visibility settings are present. This icon is still there when I come back out of the editor so that the nav block’s menu is shown on the left.

    But now I go back to the list of navigation menus, and then go forward into the nav block that I just updated. The Visibility settings are no longer shown … it seems that they have not been saved.

    I can work around this by applying visibility to the nav blocks where they are used – for example in a page header pattern. This works OK, but it’s annoying that the visibility settings cannot be saved on the navigation block itself.

    Have I misunderstood what I should be doing, or is this a known issue with the plugin?

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  • Plugin Author Nick Diego


    Hi @docdunning,

    Thanks for reporting this. While Block Visibility does work with Navigation blocks, there is something up with the “isolated” navigation editor view.

    If you were to insert a Navigation block into a page or a template, and then apply visibility conditions to it in the normal editor view, everything will work as expected. For some reason the “isolated” navigation editor (where you can edit the menu by itself), does not seem to save anything other than the menu items. This seems to be an intentional limitation in Core, so I will explore how to disable visibility settings in that editor view.

    So try adding visibility conditions to the block in the full editor (like the screenshot below) and let me know if you run into any issues.


    Thread Starter Martin Taylor


    Thanks, @ndiego – understood.

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