• This plugin is excellent! It has very good free functionality and excellent documentation. Also, it doesn’t nag about pro versions. For those who want it, there are pro versions with many additional functions.

    This is plugin is really good.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Marcoevich.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Marcoevich.
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  • Hey @marcoevich

    Thanks for choosing to use Popup Maker and for taking the time to leave this review! If you have a moment, can you let me know what improvements or new features you would like to see in future updates?

    Thread Starter Marcoevich


    Hey @fpcorso,

    You’re most welcome! For now I was able to achieve what I wanted so I don’t have much to add. If I must name something.. I saw there was an import/export tab in the tools section but there aren’t really any export options. I used wordpress importer and wp native export function to achieve that. I noticed that it exports all popup settings except the chosen theme. I had enterprise blue selected but on import it reverted to standard theme.

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