• Resolved Malae



    I have WordPress ver. 6.4.3 and PHP 8.0 and clicking Optimize DB opens the page with no revisions deleted. This repeats on several sites and different servers. If rolled back to ver. 5.1.1, it works as expected.

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  • Plugin Author NerdPress


    HI @malae,

    Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with the latest version. I’ve just tested on WP 6.4.3 and PHP 8.0.30 (and 8.2) and both the Analyze and Optimize features worked as expected for me.

    If you run “Analyze (detail)” does it display revisions that are to be deleted, but then none are deleted when you Optimize? Are you seeing any error messages? And, can you please share your current settings?

    Any other info or details you can share will help us get to the bottom of this. Thanks!


    Plugin Author NerdPress


    Hi @malae,

    We had another user report an issue where they’re not seeing the list of tables (with all the checkboxes) on the bottom half of the Settings > Optimize Database page. Are you able to see those?


    Thread Starter Malae


    Hi NerdPress,

    I’m happy to see your adoption of this useful plugin.

    In checking the issues, I can report several things that happened both before and since version 5.2 was issued.

    My settings have all boxes checked except Delete revisions older than. Number of revisions: 6 . No database table boxes are checked.

    I had noticed while using the previous recent plugin versions that some old stable sites with no recent changes, or revisions the number of revisions saved had been reduced to 5!! In one case no revisions were reported or visible in the Classical Editor on some pages. This continued despite adding define( ‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, true ); to the wp-config.php file, deactivating plugins and reinstalling WordPress. It seems that the revisions were deleted, but can now be added by repeatedly saving after small changes made to check the issue – this on a page which had been unchanged for 10 years!

    Those problems aside, the issue I reported was after using the Optimize DB (one-click) on the Admin bar, it did not find any revisions and still does not show or fix them. However, after running the Analyze page it does report the revisions on the pages and other items and running Optimize does work.

    Plugin Author NerdPress


    Hi @malae,

    Thanks for this info. We just released 5.2.1 which should fix the One-Click link in the admin bar.

    For the other issues you’ve been encountering, I’m a little unclear on the problem. Is it that you had it set to keep 6 revisions, but the optimization removed one too many, leaving only 5?



    Plugin Author NerdPress


    Hi @malae,

    Since we haven’t heard back in nearly a month, and as far as we know, version 5.2.1 has fixed all the outstanding issues, I’m going to mark this as resolved.

    However, if you’re still seeing any issues, please let us know and we’re happy to take another look!



    Thread Starter Malae


    Hi Andrew,

    Yes, there were several instances of the number of saved revisions being reduced, but this hasn’t happened recently and all seem to be working as expected. Thank you for your help.

    Plugin Author NerdPress


    Excellent! Glad we got that sorted out. Cheers! 😊

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