• Resolved desarrollodivisa


    As the title says, I did absolutely nothing but update the plugin and now I can’t see anything when the page manage-fonts loads, I see in the console that is trying to load a .js and .css files that no longer exists (under the directory /wp-content/plugins/create-block-theme/build). The fonts seem to be working properly despite that. It happened in two sites with different plugins installed so I’m inclined to believe it’s the update that broke the management of fonts. Is there anything else I should do after the update?

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  • Plugin Author Vicente Canales


    Hi, we’ve just released 2.0.2 which should fix this problem. Please update and try again.

    Regarding font management, it has been deprecated in favor of using the native Font Library included with WordPress 6.5

    Thread Starter desarrollodivisa


    Thank you, the problem was indeed solved and as you said the feature of the font library correctly shows my fonts. Thanks, I had missed that this change happened.

    Plugin Author Vicente Canales


    No problem. Apologies for the inconvenience!

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