• Resolved Endymion00


    Starting a new thread as requested from here:

    I’m not the primary developer for the site with the issue so I don’t know all of what they have going on that’s the specific trigger. Likely some Woocommerce process that happens after some time.

    After updating to 3.9.0 and some delay, the login and pages of the site started crashing.

    [13-Sep-2023 11:48:12 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method ActionScheduler_ActionFactory::create() in /wp-content/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/vendor/woocommerce/action-scheduler/functions.php:94
    Stack trace:
    #0 /wp-content/plugins/audience-manager/includes/libraries/woocommerce/action-scheduler/classes/migration/Scheduler.php(89): as_schedule_single_action(1694605752, 'action_schedule...', Array, 'action-schedule...')
    #1 /wp-content/plugins/audience-manager/includes/libraries/woocommerce/action-scheduler/classes/migration/Controller.php(119): Action_Scheduler\Migration\Scheduler->schedule_migration()
    #2 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): Action_Scheduler\Migration\Controller->schedule_migration('')
    #3 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(334): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
    #4 /wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
    #5 /wp-settings.php(654): do_ in /wp-content/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/vendor/woocommerce/action-scheduler/functions.php on line 94

    Errors were generated with these versions:

    Woocommerce 8.0.3 – ActionScheduler 3.6.1
    WP Mail SMTP 3.9.0 – ActionScheduler 3.6.1

    Reverted to WP Mail SMTP and issue went away.

    Woocommerce 8.0.3 – ActionScheduler 3.6.1
    WP Mail SMTP 3.8.2 – ActionScheduler 3.5.4

    Haven’t tested:

    Woocommerce 8.1.0 – ActionScheduler 3.6.2
    WP Mail SMTP 3.9.0 – ActionScheduler 3.6.1

    Unfortunately this site has some outdated software that’s outside of my control until the developer improves their customizations so it doens’t break when more recent versions. So this may be a factor, although we have been keeping Woocommerce relatively up-to-date.

    WordPress 6.3.1
    Woocommerce 8.0.3
    PHP 7.4.33

    Active plugins:

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    WP Mail SMTP 3.8.2 currently 3.9.0 when it was crashing
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  • Thread Starter Endymion00


    I was just digging into the site more closely. I didn’t realize they no longer even used Woocommerce. It’s installed but not active. The Audience Manager plugin is a mystery and highly suspect. It doesn’t have proper author and other information and I can’t seem to find it only other than 1 or 2 other people asking what it is as well. Going to inquire with my client and their developers to see if this is a homespun plugin or if they don’t know either.

    Plugin Support Dake


    Hi @endymion00

    Thank you for sharing the requested information.

    Considering your follow-up message, is there a chance that you can create a staging website based on your client’s website to confirm if the issue persists when all plugins, your theme etc. are up to date?

    Thread Starter Endymion00


    We’ve removed the Audience Manager plugin. It may have been used by WooNinjas which had done some work for them, not always with the best results, so I wouldn’t be surprised if some old custom plugin was causing an issue.

    I won’t be re-updating the WP Mail SMTP plugin until the weekend at a less potentially disruptive time.

    Since the Audience Manager plugin also had it’s own copy of Action Scheduler at 3.5.4 for use with Woocommerce and Woocommerce itself was no longer in use, it seems that it would be the prime suspect for causing some issue.

    I’ll report back over the weekend once WP Mail SMTP is updated and hopefully confirm no longer crashing.

    Thread Starter Endymion00


    Confirming that removing that left behind Audience Manager plugin appears to have done the trick and there’s no longer any crashes.

    Plugin Support Dake


    Hi @endymion00

    Thank you very much for getting back to us and confirming that the issue was related to the Audience Manager plugin.

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