• Resolved Mauro Gonçalves


    I have a business directory with Dokan multi sellers, is it possible for each seller to have their own connection with gmb?

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  • Plugin Contributor Koen Reus


    Hi @nocaonet!

    I’m not familiar with Dokan, but you can use a plugin like User Role Editor and deny your users the pgmb_see_others_accounts capability. That way they will only be able to see their own locations and be able to add/manage their own Google account. Note that you will need the Agency plan for this as the Free, Starter & Pro plans only support a single Google account.

    If the locations are all in the same Google account, you can deny the pgmb_manage_google_accounts capability. Then your users won’t be able to change or disconnect the Google account. Next you can use the mbp_business_selector_locations filter to only show users the locations they have access to and hide others.

    ~ Koen

    Plugin Contributor Koen Reus


    Hey @nocaonet, I’m assuming this is resolved as I haven’t heard back from you in more than a week, so I’m marking it as such for now. But feel free to follow up if it isn’t.

    ~ Koen

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