• LP9086


    I have “require email confirmation” setting turned on. However, it still registers the users who haven’t yet confirmed their email address. Sure, they can’t log-in until the confirm, but it still adds them to the list of registered users (and it puts them in the same user category as the people who have confirmed their emails). How do I stop this; or at least make sure the user doesn’t get registered to the normal user list…..

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  • rebasaurus


    Hey LP9086,

    With the way WordPress is currently setup, the tab is called “All Users”, which includes users who have not confirmed their email. These users are still considered to be registered users — they just are not active until they confirm their email. At the moment, there are no settings on default WordPress for you to change this.

    However, you may look for a plugin for better user and role management that may do this for you.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by rebasaurus.
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by rebasaurus.
    Thread Starter LP9086


    So, there is no way to tell which users aren’t confirmed?

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