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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer



    This is not possible because TSF caches the breadcrumb output for output. This exact output is then used to generate the visual breadcrumb, vastly improving performance because we do not need to re-execute expensive lookups.

    Thinking out loud: if we’d attach IDs to each crumb during generation, we could look up titles from the caches after the breadcrumb is generated. This would alleviate the recurring lookups.

    Now, it would be possible to interject the generator and let all custom titles return an empty string. This will also affect the BreadcrumbList. However, no proper hook for this exists that wouldn’t create a lot of maintenance overhead, so I think it’s best to wait until this is feasible with a single line of code or a click.

    Thread Starter linus89


    Ah, too bad. I think it would make sense for almost everyone to make it use the wordpress titles and names of e.g categories, custom post types etc instead of the seo titles since it just gets very confusing as breadcrumbs and will not fit in the google serps as it is right now

    Hopefully it makes it into the next update

    Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Hi Linus,

    I used the meta title to prevent confusing search engines in the BreadcrumbList output.

    But yes, I was considering adding a toggle for either meta-or page title; I require it as well for the breadcrumb on the page is out of place.

    But the breadcrumbs shortcode came too late in the development process to justify changes that’d bypass caching. I first wanted to let things settle and structure a better idea. Once I know how to implement it and how it affects Google, a toggle will be presented.

    Thread Starter linus89


    Great that it’s being thought about!

    I don’t think the BreadcrumbList will make it confusing for google, and the name of the pages/types should be there aswell, I would see breadcrumbs more as a user focused thing than have a massive seo value itself, as long as the page urls and titles have some relation to the meta titles



    Hey Sybre, I also ran into a situation where I would like to use the post title in the breadcrumbs instead of the meta title. A toggle or custom input for the breadcrumb title along with the meta title and meta description would be my personal preference.

    Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Thank you for all the feedback.

    I created an issue about this, so it’s easily trackable:

    Google is giving me this message “Either ‘name’ or ‘’ should be specified (in ‘itemListElement’)

    Currently There are 79 posts that are shown as critical. This only began on 19 Feb.

    I checked with the theme developer yesterday and they suggest it is the TSF after checking the code.

    I had deactivated the theme and used a WordPress theme and that didn’t pass Googles tests.

    I have looked through the comments here on Breadcrumbs and checked my site settings. I see nothing unusual there.

    Any clues?

    Just wanted to say thank you for adding breadcrumbs to TSF and also I eagerly look forward to a future option where I can switch from Home > Category SEO Title > Post to something like Home > Category Name > Post



    We also need this option…. Our breadcrumb is ridicously long on product sub category pages.

    Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Hi @greensail, I didn’t mean to ignore you. TSF’s breadcrumbs should never trigger errors, but I’d love to investigate this issue. Please open a new topic, and don’t forget to enter your site’s URL so I can inspect the issue closely: Thank you!

    For everyone else: I have collected your comments and stirred over them in this GitHub thread: I plan to implement the “SEO title” to “Page title” toggle in the next major update.

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