• Resolved Subrata Sarkar



    My site is currently running on PHP 5.6.40.

    According to the latest version update, WP Mail SMTP has stopped support for PHP 5.5. So, before updating to the latest version, I would like to make sure whether it is OK to run 2.7.0 on PHP 5.6.40.

    I will upgrade my PHP but not at this moment.

    Please let me know.


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  • Plugin Author Gregor Capuder


    Hi @subrataemfluence,

    yes, PHP 5.6.40 should work just OK. That’s what we used for testing as well.

    The plugin will stop working if your PHP version is lower than 5.6.20 (that’s also the minimal PHP requirement for the latest version of WordPress core).

    Have a nice day!

    Thread Starter Subrata Sarkar


    Thank you very much for your quick and nice reply!

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