• Resolved Daniel Schutzsmith


    Trying to set the background on a Group and it always fails when trying to save with the following error.

    Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response.

    No plugins installed and updated to latest WP Core. Any ideas why this is? I’ve tried on a few different sites as well with clean installs and this plugin never allows the page to be saved.

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  • Thread Starter Daniel Schutzsmith


    I figured out the source but do not have a solution. The Web Application Firewall for WPMU and Cloudflare both keep this plugin from working.

    Looks like it is a 403 Forbidden error.

    Thread Starter Daniel Schutzsmith


    Welp, figured out the solution. Ended up needing to whitelist my ip address so that it knows I’m allowed to do things like this. All set now and hopefully helpful to someone else in the future – in 15 years of WordPress I never encountered this issue so it’s a good one to keep in the back of the brain if this error arises again.


    Plugin Author Munir Kamal


    Hi @schutzsmith

    Interesting, thank you for updating how you resolve it. 🙂


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