• Resolved michaelquinn


    Just an FYI.

    I noticed a few days ago a few items were missing from my websites menu. I honestly don’t know when they went MIA as it’s probably been a few months since I looked.

    Looking at Appearances > Menu I saw that six menu items for Categories were “red”. I tried looking for a solution but found none. I was about to try rebuilding the menu from scratch when I thought I’d check plugins.

    To be honest I had forgotten about this plugin being installed – I used it a lot on old sites but not so much needed anymore. I think it’s part of my “standard” WP install and fav plugins I put on my sites as standard. So I deactivated it and all the Menu items came back. Turned it on again and they disappeared again.

    These are definitely active categories with many posts attached to them.

    Anyway – guess I need to check my other sites now too.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author room34


    Thanks for bringing this to my attention. The issue is now fixed in version 1.5.1.

    Thread Starter michaelquinn


    Excellent. Thank you for your VERY quick response. Can confirm that it seems to have fixed the error.

    Cheers. You rock.

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