• Resolved TiagoRodrigues


    I’m having some trouble with one page of my website. I have one index where it’s supposed to appear videos resized to the same size as the image thumbnail…but usually only the first video is resized. The rest of the videos are not resized and my page changes completely.

    Check it out here: http://www.monicapereira.com.pt/category/receitas/

    If you could give me a hand it would be great.
    Thanks 🙂

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  • Plugin Author Alex


    Seems to work fine now? What did you change?

    Thread Starter TiagoRodrigues


    I had a suspicion that maybe the page was too heavy to be loaded correctly. maybe the server is not that great, i don’t know.
    So i installed the “w3 total cache” plug in to be less heavy every time i load those pages…and never had more issues with it.

    Thanks for your answer anyway 😀

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