• I am using this theme with ClassicPress, paired with Azurecurve Snippet Plugin for ClassicPress.

    I am using the snippet plugin to create the html/css code for the various sections of my pages, rendering them via shortcodes and the theme manages the snippets perfectly.

    Not only it comes with a fully widgetized system and granular design configuration, it also allows for the addition of ones own classes to style elements and there are also some cool presets to play around with. Moreover it has direct support for any Google Font that for me is a great resource!

    It is a real multipurpose theme, whose ample customization options make realy easy to build whatever kind of site, big or small.

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  • Theme Author Joy


    Thanks for the feedback!
    I hope you see that you can save your own presets as well, and apply them on a page by page basis.
    I’m debating whether to add the ability to save the Google Font in the uploads folder, for those concerned with contacting Google.

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