• Resolved Shubham Sedani


    Hello @team,
    The plugin is really helpful; thanks for that. But when we are adding the color filter to the shop page widget, the functionality to show the color with the shape is not working perfectly. It basically not going with the shop page filters. I did try with the premium plugin, but it is still not working with that.

    Can you guys please suggest that is there any way to get the solution or Am I missing something?

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  • Plugin Support fizanzvai



    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    As per this support forum rule, we can only provide support for the free version. We can’t provide any support for our commercial product, even any pre-sale-related discussion is not allowed here when it is about our premium version. Please check this forum guideline. If you have any questions related to the commercial product, please knock us directly here: https://getwooplugins.com/tickets/


    Knock us from the live chat.


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