• Resolved Malae


    Hello Guido,

    A test email was sent and the Thank you! appeared, but email was not received and the Thank You! message does not clear after refreshing page, or after deactivating the plugin and activating again.

    Other sites no problem on this server.

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  • Plugin Author Guido



    The thank you message is only displayed after mail sending is succesful. Did you check your spam folder?

    If you refresh the thank you page, the same text is displaced, because of the querystring parameter. This is the last part of your contact page URL.


    Thread Starter Malae


    No it was not a spam folder issue. The main problem is that after sending the mail, the contact form Thank You! message cannot be cleared and contact form cannot be used. This has now occured on other sites (all WordPress ver. 6.4.3 and PHP 8.0.) with this plugin and I have been forced to use another plugin, which does not have this issue.

    Plugin Author Guido



    The thank you page is the same as the contact form page, but a query string is added to the URL so not form but message is displayed.

    If this is not what you mean, I would like to take a look at your site. In that case you can leave the link here of send me a message via the site that is listed in my profile.

    If you’re using a caching plugin and want to avoid conflicts with the contact form, I recommend excluding your contact page(s) from caching.


    Thread Starter Malae


    Hi Guido,

    The sending is now ok. Thank you for your reply. The sending is now ok. The proble after sending seems to have be a caching problem. I had recently added a caching plugin and am working on sorting that out.

    Plugin Author Guido


    Thank you for letting me know.
    Caching in combination with form sending and non-static content such as form values often causes problems.


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