• Resolved Paul Buijs


    When the plugin is enabled I get this error on my checkout page:
    SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
    Screenshot: https://cl.ly/34f0af16b7b6
    I have the token info set up in PayPal settings.

    1. How do I prevent this from happening/fix this?
    2. I don’t event want to use Paypal (just stripe). Is this possible?

    I also get console errors sitewite with this plugin enabled:
    screenshot: https://cl.ly/bf0c605e391f

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  • Thread Starter Paul Buijs


    Turns out it was a plugin conflict with plugin: Auto Login New User After Registration
    I posted this in their support thread. Not sure which one needs adjusting.

    No JavaScript is used within our plugin so it certainly sounds like a bug on their end. Did you manage to get this resolved?

    Marking this as solved. Please submit a new ticket if you’re still having issues with this.

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