• Resolved Ben Hansen


    the borders on this gallery are not complete and the images aren’t aligning correctly either. we’ve had this problem intermittently over the last 3 years but in the past we were able to fix the issue by simply upgrading everything. Everything is up to date and i have tried deactivating all other plugins. Our host is called netwizards (http://www.netwiz.net) but i think they might be re-selling bluehost. Anyway idea what the problem could be here?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Imagely


    @ubernaut – It looks like the issue would be starting from the custom CSS you are using. Have a look at the following element .ngg-gallery-thumbnail img (around line 142) to adjust the margin properties.


    – Cais.

    Thread Starter Ben Hansen


    thanks for the pointer! 🙂 seems like the default file was not modified but idk i didn’t actually build this myself. :/

    Plugin Contributor Imagely


    @ubernaut – Glad to help.

    – Cais.

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