• Neo1337


    Too expensive, 10K views limit for 8.34$? It is much more expensive than my hosting plan.

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  • Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic 🚀

    Hi there,

    We’ve indeed made some changes to Jetpack’s Stats feature: it now requires a plan if your site is a commercial site. We offer different tiers based on your website’s traffic, and if your commercial site currently registers up to 10,000 views per month we do indeed ask for $8.34 per month today.

    This change allows us to keep working on the feature so it remains available for years to come, and gives us the means to work on improvements and new features for Jetpack and for Stats.

    I understand that you may not have the means to pay for the feature today, depending on the revenue generated by your commercial site. That’s perfectly understandable. In that scenario, you can disable Jetpack’s Stats feature under Jetpack > Settings > Modules in your dashboard. That will allow you to continue to rely on the other features offered by the Jetpack plugin.

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