• In the block editor, it looks like this plugin is causing visual issues in the Featured Image section of the post editor. specifically on the img element that is just below WordPresses span. The user is reporting that the featured image actually getting cut off in the display. It looks to be this bit:

    .editor-post-featured-image .components-responsive-wrapper__content {
        position: relative;

    and you can see a screenshot of both the problem and the css. https://imgur.com/a/T9A3mH7

    and the source looks to be coming from ‘plugins/svg-support/css/svgs-admin-edit-post.css?ver=5.8.3’

    This user has a recently updated staging site. I deactivated this plugin and things appear normal.

    I then installed this plugin on a completely unrelated site (mine) and the issue appeared.

    It looks like the CSS for this plugin is impacting the editor in unexpected ways.

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  • Plugin Author Benbodhi


    Hi there,

    Thanks for your support!

    This CSS was only just added recently, to fix SVGs displaying outside the section (not in block editor). So I guess the same classes are used there too and it has an adverse affect.

    I’ll have a look at what you’re experiencing and see if I can get it sorted and push it into the next update.

    Thanks for pointing this out!

    Plugin Author Benbodhi


    Hey Ben,

    I believe I have addressed this in version 2.4

    I’ll be pushing the update live in the next few hours (it’s already in trunk, just making sure everything is ready to go).

    But please do let me know if you notice anything after the update to 2.4

    Hey @benbodhi – I am actually @benmyhre’s coworker and came across this issue on another site. I updated to 2.4 and the only change was the addition of a link to render the SVG inline… Here’s the before and after updating: https://imgur.com/a/fFRaTU8

    The white space is still there. If I inspect the image, it looks like it is still showing “position:relative;” but changing it too “position:absolute;” fixes it.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Kari Anderson. Reason: adding additional information
    Plugin Author Benbodhi


    Hi @karinclimber

    I think the initial fix I added started affecting the featured image section for Gutenberg and classic differently. Then addressed that issue, but may have compiled the CSS without the initial issue addressed.

    I’ll look into it and get it fixed up if that’s the case.

    Sorry for the inconvenience! And thanks for sharing and your patience 🙏

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