• Resolved kruemelbrot


    Hi Joe 🖖,

    thanks for the great work of this plugin. I have a just a few thoughts:

    • Is it possible to remove the “locate me” button on the bottom right of the map? I am using waymark to show tracks on my travel blog and the “locate me” feature is not useful in this case.
    • I can choose to show the scale of the map, but it’s showing in km and miles. It would be great to choose, which one (or both) is displayed.
    • If I click the details of a map, I get a site where breadcrumbs are on the top right of the site. Usually they are top left on my site. Thats not quite an issue, the format in my case is like this: Home / Maps / Transalpina Track
      Now if I click on the Maps links, the site reloads and I am still on the Transalpina Track. I rather expect to get on a page a level higher to have an overview of all tracks.

    Thanks again and best 👋

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Joe


    Appreciated! 🙂

    Is it possible to remove the “locate me” button on the bottom right of the map? I am using waymark to show tracks on my travel blog and the “locate me” feature is not useful in this case.

    I put together this Example for you, I hope that helps.

    I can choose to show the scale of the map, but it’s showing in km and miles. It would be great to choose, which one (or both) is displayed.

    This may also be possible with CSS and if this is not the case then I would be happy to adjust the markup to make it so. However this is definitely not going to be added as an option.

    If I click the details of a map, I get a site where breadcrumbs are on the top right of the site. Usually they are top left on my site. Thats not quite an issue, the format in my case is like this: Home / Maps / Transalpina Track
    Now if I click on the Maps links, the site reloads and I am still on the Transalpina Track. I rather expect to get on a page a level higher to have an overview of all tracks.

    I will do my best to look at your site when I get the chance.

    Again, thank you for the feeedback! ❤️


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