• Resolved samovaari


    Hi, is there an option to show the shipping times (in our case 24-48 hours for each product) on the cart and checkout pages, preferably in the Totals table where the shipping fee is displayed?

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  • Plugin Contributor Niels Lange


    Hello @samovaari,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    Hi, is there an option to show the shipping times (in our case 24-48 hours for each product) on the cart and checkout pages, preferably in the Totals table where the shipping fee is displayed?

    When using the Cart and Checkout blocks, you could add the Paragraph block within the Cart Totals and Checkout Totals inner blocks, which contains information about your shipping times.

    On https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/adding-a-new-block/, you can find detailed instructions on how to add a block to a page.

    I hope this helps. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

    Thread Starter samovaari


    Hi @nielslange thanks for your reply! We are not using blocks though, so we were thinking more towards a code we could use/editing the woocommerce templates? Or a plugin that does a similar thing?

    Plugin Contributor Niels Lange


    We are not using blocks though, so we were thinking more towards a code we could use/editing the woocommerce templates? Or a plugin that does a similar thing?

    I understand that you’re looking to modify the WooCommerce cart and checkout pages without using blocks. While I’m not currently aware of a plugin specifically designed for editing cart and checkout shortcodes, you can utilize WooCommerce’s hooks to achieve your goal.

    Here are two helpful resources that break down the various hooks available on the cart and checkout pages:

    1. WooCommerce Cart Hooks
    2. WooCommerce Checkout Hooks

    In both of these articles, there’s a section titled “Add custom sections to the cart/checkout page”. This will guide you on how to insert your desired section.

    While it’s technically possible to add the custom code directly to the functions.php file of your theme, this approach has a downside: if you update your theme, any customizations you’ve made could be lost. To avoid this issue, I recommend using the Code Snippets plugin. This plugin allows you to add custom code snippets outside the theme, ensuring they remain intact even after theme updates.

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