• Resolved wilbert schaapman


    I am working with five themes, each comprising three to five objectives. Each objective is associated with no, one or more specific street profile(s). Each street profile includes measures related to green spaces, parking solutions, or underground modifications.

    What is the best setup and relationship to make( taxonomies?)

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Scott Kingsley Clark


    I would probably make use of relationships instead of associated taxonomies, but those relationships can be related to taxonomies.

    I’d suggest starting at the top level as your initial content type themes, then create a new content type for the objectives, then another for street profiles.

    I’m unsure whether green spaces / parking solutions / underground modifications are just fields to fill out or if they are also potential relationships but you could set them up as taxonomies too if you’d like.

    Thread Starter wilbert schaapman


    I never worked with relationships, how can I make a relationship between a taxonomy or cp?

    Plugin Author Scott Kingsley Clark


    You can create a new field in your pod and choose the Relationship field type. Then choose to relate it to that taxonomy.

    Thread Starter wilbert schaapman


    Is this the same as when you create a taxonomy and select the post type unther Enable connections with message types?

    Plugin Author Scott Kingsley Clark


    Connections in Pods are different from relationships as they use the default WordPress taxonomy selection boxes. Relationships use Pods forms and have more customization options.

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