• Hello, we just purchased Schema Premium but, unfortunately, our website keeps crashing after the activation. After deactivating Yoast, we started to get this error when installing Schema Premium:

    The error is: “Fatal error: Cannot redeclare get_field() (previously declared in /nas/content/live/navillage/wp-content/themes/drybones/source/functions/drybones_meta_box.php:24) in /nas/content/live/navillage/wp-content/plugins/schema-premium/vendors/acf/includes/api/api-template.php on line 20

    Please advice what would be the next step to fix it.

    Thank you!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I’m sorry to inform you that the developer of this plugin is not responding to any requests or bugs. If you had searched the forum you could have found several posts including from myself, that there have been no updates to this plugin for months. And it’s throwing all those errors because it uses an old version of ACF (5) and if you are using ACF (pro) 6 it will crash. It can also crash without the plugin because of a compatibility issue with newer wordpress versions or php versions. All because the developer went awol.

    Thread Starter siabecks


    Thank you for the quick response. I have read on the forum that I need to rename the get_field() function in api-template.php and it seems it worked (for now).

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