• Hello,

    There is a reproducable issue with The Community Events plugin, from The Events Calendar: https://theeventscalendar.com/product/wordpress-community-events/

    This happens only in Internet Explorer 11, and only when the option “Aggregate all linked JS-files to have them loaded non-render blocking” is enabled.

    With the option enabled, the javascript on the page is broken. This leads to 2 issues:

    1) You cannot add multiple events. The button to do so will reload the page with the above option enabled.
    2) You cannot upload images when creating the event

    The errors in the IE11 javascript console are as follows:

    1) tinymce is not defined
    2) variable is not defined in strict-mode.

    Both are referring to a autoptimize js file.

    I have disabled the js aggregation option now. Is there anything we can do to make it work with the community events plugin?

    Many thanks in advance!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    You could try excluding the JS from that plugin from JS optimization by adding the path to that plugin (e.g. wp-content/plugins/community-events but I don’t know if that is the real folder name) and/or exclude tinymce (don’t know by heart and am travelling, but there are topics on tinymce in the form here) to the comma-separated JS optimization exclusion list.

    hope this helps,

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