• Resolved Joe Bloggs


    Hey Guys, @sc0ttkclark,

    First of all I would like to say that you guys are doing an amazing job with Pods and making all this happen for free, so hats down to you and I thank you very much, but if I’m being perfectly honest, I think you may be missing the trick with your Repeater Fields.

    Probably like thousands of others, my eyes also lit up when I saw that I could create Repeater Fields with Pods. Something that is a premium feature with other plugins such as ACF.

    I also installed Pods which offers this feature for free, but only to find out that yes, while I can create a Repeater Field, I can only repeat a single field which is a bit of a half-baked solution in my opinion.

    Usually it’s not just one field that you need to repeat, usually it’s a group of two or three. Name, link, price etc.

    There have been a number of enquiries about this that I came across while researching it, some from about 15 months ago, and so I can’t quite believe that this feature that could possibly be a massive competition to all premium plugins still didn’t quite make it onto your road map 🙁

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