• Resolved aussierodney


    The 20/16 VCReady theme does everything I want it to do, with just one exception. I run a personal blog site, I’m the only user, so I’m the only user who posts, and I don’t need the “Published by ….” line at the top of every post.

    Is there any way to remove this line?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi there, please try the following CSS and let me know if that works for you:

    .post-meta span.author {
    display: none;
    Thread Starter aussierodney


    Thanks for the response.

    I have tried inserting that in to the style.css in each of:
    . wp-content\themes\2016-vcready
    . wp-content\themes\twentysixteen

    * Added to remove the "Published by" line
    .post-meta span.author {
    display: none;

    No change.

    I’m not new to WordPress, but I am new to css. Am I at least in the right place?

    Thread Starter aussierodney


    Any other ideas, please?

    Thread Starter aussierodney



    After some more digging, I found this:

    .post-meta {
        font-size: 0.9rem;
        margin-bottom: 7px;

    And then added this to it:

    * Added to remove the "Published by" line.
    .post-meta span.author {
    display: none;
    .post-meta span.date {
    display: none;
    * End of modification.

    @torres126, thank you.

    I’m sorry that I somehow missed this thread, I’m glad you figured it out though.

    Thread Starter aussierodney


    So am I!

    For the record, I only needed that modification in the 2016-vcready style.css file.

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