• I have inherited the support job for a website, and we just went through a host transfer and some upgrades which then caused problems. Backing off plugins allowed me to resolve the problems but when I re-activated jetpack I had lost my login connection to wordpress.com

    We have made a number of changes to accommodate upgrade/migration issues so I can’t just restore from backup without starting over. Is there some way to copy the login information from a database backup and insert into the current database? The person who set up the page to begin with must have used a personal email for the WordPress.com account and it was not recorded anywhere we can find.

    We are now hosted at Dreamhost.com using PHP 7.2 but WP

    The only real reason for this is to have access to years of site statistics which are stored in the database. Otherwise I don’t think we need Jetpack.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • You can do two things:

    1. Restore the original database to a local MySQL server (either using phpMyadmin or MySQL workbench. Just restore the database, you don’t need to restore the entire WordPress site. Once the database is restored, search the database for that mising Jetpack contact info. It should be recorded somewhere in dB. Using phpmyadmin or workbench makes this searching easier.
    2. Contact Jetpack and provide whatever information you may have that could help them retrieve the correct account. Or contact the original person to do it.

    I’m not a jetpack expert so it would be good if someone from Jetpack could comment as to how this info is stored.

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