• Hi, as an avid user of Polylang for multilingual client sites, I have noticed the plugin runs into problems in combination with RankMath (sitemap, breadcrumbs translation etc.)

    Is there any work on compatibility planned, like has been done for other (SEO) plugins?


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  • Plugin Author Chouby


    Hi Rolf,
    Nothing’s planned. There is an old PR that I kept open in case someone want to start a project based on this work.
    On our side we support core sitemaps and Yoast SEO.
    I know that SEOPress includes a Polylang compatibility.
    For now, we prefer to focus on other priorities instead of working on the compatibility with another SEO Plugin.

    Thread Starter Rolf Allard van Hagen


    Hi Frédéric, how are you? Good to see you’re still on the project 🙂

    Thanks for the PR, I’ve been pointed to another code snippet for compatibility on https://rankmath.com/kb/polylang-compatibility/ too but that does not seem to be doing anything…

    I guess I’ll need to dig deeper then 😉

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