• Resolved jansan


    Hi, the last weeks Shortcodes Ultimate has not worked on Twenty Fifteen theme. When I switch to Twenty Seventeen, everything is fine with the shortcodes. Is this a known bug or something you look into?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by jansan. Reason: More information in title

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Vova


    Hi Jan,

    is there a page where I can see the issue?

    Thread Starter jansan


    Hi Vladimir,

    You can see it here: https://www.sandtro.no/gdpr/. The text below “Les mer” (that is “Read more” in Norwegian) which is indented should be collapsed.

    Hope you can find the issue. Thanks and thank you for a very good plugin!

    Thread Starter jansan


    Hi Vladimir, have you had time to look into this. I would imagine that there are a number of other people using this theme. Thanks!

    Plugin Author Vova


    Hi Jan,

    sorry for the late reply.

    I’ve checked your page and I’m unable to find the SU shortcode there. The component with “Les mer” text is created with another plugin. I suppose it’s the Collapse-O-Matic.

    Thread Starter jansan


    Hi Vladmir, thanks for the reply. I use Collapse-O-Matic, but it is probably Shortcodes Ultimate that failes. See in the bottom of this page, where I have included some shortcodes which are not working: https://www.sandtro.no/om/ (below the images).

    Plugin Author Vova


    Hi Jan,

    I don’t see any signs of the wp_footer template tag on your page. Please make sure your template has it.

    Thread Starter jansan


    Hi Vladimir, that did it! Thank you very much! I sent you some cash for a beer through Paypal. Cheers!

    Plugin Author Vova


    Hi Jan,

    thank you!

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