• I’m using Polylang Pro plugin. I have a page with two languages, Dutch and English. For which I have created two menus.

    When I switch to the English page which is my base language, my menu works well but when I switch to Dutch version, the menu labels does appear but without hyperlinks.

    We have:
    1. Polylang Pro plugin (version as 3.5.2)
    2. wordpress version as 6.0.1
    3. php version as 8.0.30
    4. Current theme: TwentyTwenty Child theme,

    For debugging, I haven’t found anything relevant in debug.log file and the translated menu items working fine with TwentyTwenty (parent) them.

    Any suggestion for resolving the conflict between Polylang pro plugin and the twentyTwenty Child theme will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advace!

    • This topic was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by ketankoranne.
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