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  • Thread Starter Amber Hinds


    For anyone who sees this, I’ll better clarify this statement: “Best practice is to allow the browser or theme to define the outline weight and style.”

    The reason for letting the browser define the color is that Chromium-based browsers use a double color (blue and white) outline that works on both dark and light backgrounds. There are a lot of websites that have defined the color in their styles, as you may see if you were to look at my website. It’s not that this is not OK, but if you set a color for the focus outline, then you have to do a lot of work to define it differently in different sections of the website (like on my site it’s blue over white backgrounds and yellow over dark backgrounds). This works OK for a custom theme, but from a plugin standpoint where you have no idea what the background color of the site will be, it’s safer not to have a color.

    You could set the weight and style if you want, but I would stick to 2px solid. 1px dotted will be really hard for people to see.

    Generally, from a plugin dev standpoint, I’d think of the focus indicator as something the theme should control, so I would leave it out. Or maybe intentionally define it for themes that have failed to do so.

    But removing it is problematic because it overrides the focus indicator set by the theme (assuming there is one), and then someone has to add CSS with !important to get it back.

    Plugin Support Abz


    Hi @alh0319, we really appreciate you taking the time to share your insights with us. Your feedback is invaluable and I have already passed it on to our team. We’ll be working on addressing these over the next release or two.

    Rest assured we’ll keep you updated and reach out if we need any further info. Thank you so much for your input – it means a lot!

    Have a great weekend ahead.


    Plugin Support Guga Alves


    Hi there,

    We’re back with good news!

    We’ve just released The Events Calendar version 6.2.3, which addresses a fix for that issue!

    Please update your Events Calendar plugins, and that issue should be gone.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter Amber Hinds


    Yay! Thank you!

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