• Hi, I noticed the WooCommerce breadcrumbs get output in a totally different container structure from the other pages, so styles are not unified.

    Regular breadcrumbs are in ast-breadcrumbs-* class containers, but WooCommerce breadcrumbs are in a much simpler woocommerce-breadcrumb class nav container.

    It looks like woocommerce_breadcrumb is one place to start? Maybe you need to create a new Walker.

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  • Hi @luboslives,

    The WooCommerce Breadcrumbs are coming from the WooCommerce plugin, not the Astra theme. And the ability to style the WooCommerce Breadcrumb only available with the Asra Pro.

    Let us know if you need more help, otherwise please mark the topic as resolved.

    Have a nice day and stay safe!

    Kind regards,
    Herman 🙂

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  • The topic ‘Please unify WooCommerce breadcrumbs with your regular breadcrumbs’ is closed to new replies.