• Resolved 1chicagodave


    Since the plugin auto-updated last night, some of our product listing pages get a PHP Fatal Error before the page finishes loading. The Query Monitor plugin identifies it as “Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function media_sideload_image()” in product-video-gallery-slider-for-woocommerce.php

    It appears to only be affecting the products that have a youtube video in the media gallery.

    I’d post a link to the page, but you wouldn’t be able to see it without bypassing our firewall/cache.

    Thank you

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  • Thread Starter 1chicagodave



    I seem to have figured out a temporary workaround/fix. Opening up the affected product in the product editor, making zero changes, and clicking “Update” appears to restore the page’s loadability.

    I tried clearing cache, but that wasn’t enough.

    Thread Starter 1chicagodave


    The above temporary fix did not work for all listings, and some of the ones it worked on have reverted back to getting the same error. I have rolled back to version, and all pages fully load correctly again.

    Here is one of the pages that would never load (even after attempting the temp fix above) with version of the plugin, in case it helps at all:



    Yes, I can confirm seeing the same error crashing pages with Rolling back to fixes.

    I discovered this while figuring out I needed to resave all my product pages because they were no longer showing the video thumbnail in the gallery.

    Plugin Author NikHiL Gadhiya



    Please update the plugin with the latest version and try again.

    Thank You.

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