• Resolved mirceaburdusa


    My client updated the plugin on her website to the latest version and the website was broken. The error in the logs was PHP Fatal error: Plugin slug "social-pug" is already in use by /public_html/wp-content/plugins/social-pug/index.php. Slugs must be unique. in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/social-pug/vendor/kernl/kernl-update-checker/Puc/v4p10/UpdateChecker.php on line 434
    I deleted the plugin an manually installed the version 1.30.3 to get the website up and running, but I think this should be fixed.

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  • Plugin Author Colin Devroe


    We are sorry that your client had this issue. Thank you for writing in to let us know. Do you know what version of Hubbub Lite caused this error? The latest version is 1.31.1.

    Thread Starter mirceaburdusa


    Sorry, forgot to mention the version. It was indeed 1.31.1.

    Plugin Author Colin Devroe


    @mirceaburdusa – Thank you for that information. Would you mind updating to 1.31.1 again to see if you still have the issue? We temporarily had a 1.31.0 release for a very brief period of time. It may be that your client’s site updated to that. 1.31.1 should not produce this error.

    I appreciate you working with us to resolve this issue. 💪

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