• Resolved PTaubman


    There are several other similar issues in support and I *think* I tried them all.

    Existing site in development that was had Wordfence & iThemes Security/SolidWP on the site (ultimately, only one will be on this dev site). Also, SeedProd Pro was installed to protect the site.

    At this point, I installed your plugin and saw the message, “Whoops! It looks like your website is currently password protected.” After looking at other issues here, both security plugins were disabled, PHP was checked (it is at 8.0) and the “Coming Soon” plugin was deactivated.

    Cache was flushed (and another browser was used) and the message still comes up.

    What else can I try?

    Thanks so much!

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  • Plugin Contributor Amber Hinds


    Hi @ptaubman,

    The free version of Accessibility Checker cannot scan with maintenance mode plugins like SeedProd enabled, so that would have to be disabled (as you did).

    Do you have a URL that you can share with us temporarily so we can help you troubleshoot?

    Thread Starter PTaubman


    Thanks. The plugins were disabled.

    The URL of the dev site is https://new.jurislnc.com/

    Plugin Author Steve Jones


    Hi @ptaubman,

    The password protected message will not go away until you initiate a new scan by updating or publishing a post. Have you tried that?

    Plugin Author Steve Jones


    Due to inactivity, we are closing your support ticket, but please feel free to contact us again if you need further assistance.

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