• CRON returns: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘=’ in /wp-content/plugins/autodescription/bootstrap/load.php on line 192

    WordPress: 6.5.3
    PHP: 8.2.15
    MySQL: 10.3.39-MariaDB
    WooCommerce: 8.7.0
    Server: LiteSpeed

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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer



    TSF v5.0 is not compatible with the unsupported PHP 7.3, which your cron service appears to be running. PHP 7.3 doesn’t recognize the null coalescing assignment operator and will crash when it’s encountered.

    Please see if you can update your server software to operate on PHP 7.4 or later. To future-proof it, I recommend using at least PHP 8.1 if possible.

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