• Resolved Dade88


    How we can extend organization information? This plugin seems so complete but I don’t see where we can add information about an Organization (core and org plugin installed). For example, there’s no vatID or legalName not to even mention knows, knowsAbout and knowsLanguage which could be a very good addition for paying users. I am just naming a few, but I think you get the idea.

    On the other hand, before deploying your plugin in production, I am a bit concerned about the links between entities. I will take your homepage as an example with https://classyschema.org/Visualisation , this is how it looks like (https://capture.dropbox.com/rHlpMWrSX3YbeTEH):

    While it’s certainly better than having nothing at all, we are lacking of some important links between entities. It’s ok if they are based on your own decisions, but tell me if we could still manage to deploy it the way I am going to describe.

    Right now, we have at least one issue with the current Knowledge Graph: Organization is not linked to something else its website, nor the person is related with the organization. Ideally, what I would look for in this case is something like

    • Organization links to WebSite (as author, publisher or copyrightholder)
    • WebSite links to WebPage (for example. WebPage “isPartOf” referring to WebSite @id)
    • WebPage links to Product/Article (as it’s mainentity or partof depending on the case)

    I am skipping a lot of relational links and details, but I think you get the picture. Bottom question: Would this level of accuracy be possible with WPSSO?

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  • Plugin Author JS Morisset


    The Knowledge Graph markup is an independent block – we’ve found that if we link it, or change it’s Schema type, Google does not read it as Knowledge Graph. The WebSite markup is added to the home page, as suggested by Google. It is not required on any other webpage. WPSSO provides a way to describe the main content of the webpage – we haven’t found any reason to link the main content to a Schema WebPage type, as this would be redundant. See here for more info on the structure suggested by Google https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/structured-data/search-gallery.


    Thread Starter Dade88


    Could you give a link or an example of your first sentence?

    Regarding second sentence, that’s why I specified (WebPage “isPartOf” referring to WebSite @id) as it would simply refer to the WebSite Google has crawled on the homepage.

    The whole point of schema and knowledge graphs is about being explicit, it’s not a matter of redundancy but specificity. See this as an example https://stackoverflow.com/a/43234992. To be completely fair, ItemPage is even more appropiate than WebPage for an Article.

    I completely understand your point, and I am sure this plugin is very effective on making sure users have a lot of green ticks in Google Schema Markup, but this is not the focus of my question. Can this plugin, paid version or extension, deliver this level of specificity?

    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    I don’t feel that I have anything to add to my first reply. As for extending or modifying the Schema markup from WPSSO, you can use a number of filters, including the “wpsso_json_data_https_schema_org_{item_type}” or “wpsso_json_prop_https_schema_org_graph” filters for the main Schema type of the webpage – see here for more info: https://wpsso.com/docs/plugins/wpsso/notes/developer/filters/. If you would like additional properties for the Organization markup offered by the WPSSO Organization and Place Manager add-on, you could submit a pull request for any code changes here: https://github.com/surniaulula/wpsso-organization-place or request a new property / form input field in the add-on support forum here: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wpsso-organization-place/. Myself or another community member may pickup your suggestion, modify the add-on, and submit a pull request for you.


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