• Resolved reaver31


    Hi. I have this plugin installed Woocommerce Order Options that is working on front end site. I hope you can also add order options like for example; i order MILKTEA but large and add ons pearl and less ice. I hope you can add options button that when click, it will show popup showing the order size and options co’z size varies different prices and addons on the product.

    Please take a look on this for reference. – https://utak.io/store/mekosnackbar

    Kindly email me at webeneerph@gmail.com for update. Thanks.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello @reaver31,

    Thank you for your question,

    wePos is a POS-based plugin, it works with WooCommerce and is mainly for cashiers on supermarts and grocery. So your use case is not possible with your configuration, the POS end can be viewed by the cashier only.

    If you have any queries, reach me here. I shall assist you gladly.


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