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  • Plugin Author Joe


    Hi @tired68,

    Thanks for reaching out 🙂

    I was not familiar with OpenSeaMap, but I took a quick look and I believe the issue is that what you see is actually two Basemaps:

    1. OpenStreetMap as the background
    2. Seamarks from OpenSeaMap overlaid

    Waymark only supports displaying one Basemap at a time.

    Any chance to get this fixed.

    Implementing multiple Basemaps (i.e. with transparency) would be a huge undertaking. This is only the second request for this feature, so while I think it would be neat, it isn’t exactly high on the priorities list.

    I hope that helps. Please do feel free to reach out if you have any more questions.



    Thread Starter tired68


    Thanks for reflecting on it and good that it is not because of my stupidity😉

    Plugin Author Joe



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