• Resolved Howdy_McGee



    I have 1 product field and the plugin is showing the following error:

    Some of your fields has duplicated datanames, please fix it

    Looking at the nm_personalized table, there’s only 1 row.

    Looking at the PPOM_Meta::has_unique_datanames() method, $this->fields has duplicate fields in the array.

    Looking at the PPOM_Meta::get_meta_id() method, $ppom_product_id is an array with 2 duplicate IDs.

    I’ve tried to recreate the field but ran into the same issue.

    That’s as far as I was able to get debugging this issue. Unfortunately, this bug is preventing me from using this plugin.

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  • Plugin Support Poonam Namdev


    Hi @howdy_mcgee,

    ​Sorry to hear about the difficulties encountered.

    The error indicates that you have two fields with the same ids.

    Please record a screencast of your dashboard where we can see the PPOM fields and the error. Also, make sure you are using the latest version of plugin.

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