• Hi there.
    It seems that the most recent version of the plugin may not match the checksums available for it? I reinstalled the plugin after the first check and it still did not verify. twice.

    [kitten]$ wp plugin install responsive-lightbox
    Installing Responsive Lightbox & Gallery (2.1.0)
    Fetching pre-update site response…
    -> HTTP status code: 200
    -> Correctly detected closing </body> tag.
    -> No uncaught fatal error detected.
    Downloading installation package from https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/responsive-lightbox.zip&#8230;
    Using cached file ‘/home/wp_fy2d7t/.wp-cli/cache/plugin/responsive-lightbox-2.1.0.zip’…
    Unpacking the package…
    Installing the plugin…
    Plugin installed successfully.
    Fetching post-update site response…
    -> HTTP status code: 200
    -> Correctly detected closing </body> tag.
    -> No uncaught fatal error detected.
    Success: Installed 1 of 1 plugins.
    [kitten]$ wp cache flush
    Success: The cache was flushed.
    [kitten]$ wp plugin verify-checksums –all

    | plugin_name | file | message |
    | responsive-lightbox | assets/select2/js/select2.js | File is missing |
    | responsive-lightbox | assets/select2/js/select2.min.js | File is missing |
    Error: Only verified 13 of 20 plugins (1 failed, 6 skipped).

    I feel like this is probably that the checksums needs updating and not that the version in the repo is broken. It is producing this warning though:

    [Thu Sep 12 18:05:34 2019] [error] [client] FastCGI: server “/var/run/php-wp_fy2d7t.fcgi” stderr: PHP message: PHP Warning: Illegal string offset ‘type’ in /home/wp_fy2d7t/kittenkamala.com/wp-content/plugins/responsive-lightbox/includes/class-frontend.php on line 1893



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  • Thread Starter Amy Kamala


    The files in assets/select2/js/ are:

    -rw-r–r– 1 163K Sep 12 18:15 select2.full.js
    -rw-r–r– 1 75K Sep 12 18:15 select2.full.min.js

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