• Resolved Xenesy LTD



    I have a feasibility question!
    Is it possible to create a network of sites with sub-domains and to link the data of these two “sites”?

    In fact, the main site is a platform where people can register for free and access resources, and I’d like to create a sub-domain for all paid training courses (the sub-domain site will be locked and only those who have purchased a course will be able to access it). However, I’d like the accounts created on the main site and the subdomain site to be the same.

    Ex: Someone registers on the main site for free, then some time later decides to buy a training course (still on the main site, he pays on the main site), and then with this same account he will be able to access the subdomain site where the training courses are.

    Is this possible and how? (I don’t know if I’m making myself clear … )

    PS: I know how to create a subdomain network link plugins etc etc
    But maybe you need to “tweak” the database? I don’t know!


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  • Moderator bcworkz


    A WP multisite (or network) installation actually manages all users in a single DB table. Which sites they belong to and what roles they have in each is managed through user meta data.

    Adding users to individual sites is usually done manually, but it’s feasible to automate the process. I’m skeptical there are existing plugins for this, unless there happens to be a membership type of plugin that’s designed specifically for multisite.

    Thread Starter Xenesy LTD


    Hmmm I see .. so same database well. I will try to give u an exemple for to tell me if you can a solution (and if it exists one)

    So / domain.com people can register for to get a free ressource we can use … simple plugin like humm surecart trigger etc or memberpress (little heavy) or simple fluentauth with fulle stripe or whatever.

    So they subscribe and they have their own personnal account , memberspace free well in the same domain.com they can buy some ressource with thei account and stripe. and it will unlock some ressource —> acces.domain.com it’s same domain name same DB (multisite) so it’s very weird that wordpress or plugin have no “interact” with it.

    Can I change manually the “database” to aumatize this process ? Like:

    Each customer who subscribe on domain.com are automatically subscribe on acces.domain.com and can acces to it ( they whill no acess to the website so only page who tells them you can’t access cause no courses active for u)

    To me, this structure seems so obvious that I don’t understand why there’s no … that’s why I’m asking if anyone has a solution for (more or less simple to automate this)

    Thanks again

    Moderator bcworkz


    Virtually anything is feasible (within reason) if you’re willing to custom code something. There aren’t too many multisite specific plugins, so finding an existing plugin for a multisite specific schema is less likely. From your description, I’m not convinced multisite is necessary. Varied access to certain resources can be managed in single site WP with a membership type of plugin. Methods vary by plugin, but for example, someone who pays a fee can be given an additional role that gives them greater access to privileged information.

    It’s not necessary to have a separate subdomain for this to work, but if it’s important to have one for marketing reasons it’s possible to have different subdomains point to the same WP installation and have WP dynamically deliver different content based on requested subdomain. For example, multilingual sites often work this way. The default www. subdomain might be for English and the fr. subdomain might be for French content, but both languages are served from a single WP installation.

    FWIW, WP multisite does involve some unusual quirks. My usual recommendation is to avoid multisite if a single site solution is available.

    Thread Starter Xenesy LTD


    Thanks for your advice .. I agree with you sometimes I find tough thing for nothing .

    So I can add subdomain… but How can I make a redirection ? with some plugin ? I use plesk too If I use membership plugin and I want to make a redirection for my training ..

    Well I’m going to find more information for how to do it …


    Moderator bcworkz


    While it’s possible to utilize a subdomain via redirection, it’s not necessary. The best way to do subdomains partly depends on how your hosting account is set up. In a typical hosting account, there’s an area somewhere where you can add new subdomains. Part of the addition process involves indicating where in your server the subdomain should consider it to be its public root directory. In this scenario you would specify your WP installation directory. What actually happens when you do this is a Virtual Host entry is generated specifying what to do with the subdomain requests. In some hosting situations you might need to directly add your own Virtual Host entry.

    Thus all requests go to your WP installation. It’s then up to how WP is coded to manage what is output based on requested subdomain. PHP code can check $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] or $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] for what was requested, then respond accordingly.

    Thread Starter Xenesy LTD


    I see Thanks for your help.

    It seems a little to technical for me, and you’re right for the moment subdomain is not neally usefull at the moment. Thank you for your thoughts and clarifications.

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